Teaching and

Supervision Experience

Teaching and Supervision Experience

I have taught at several institutions in the UK, including the University of Leeds, the University of Sheffield and Manchester Metropolitan University.
My responsibilities included designing and providing teaching materials and resources, lecturing, assisting practical workshop sessions, marking assessments, office hours, and admin duties.

Undergraduate Teaching

I have predominantly taught modules on technology and digital culture, which emphasise a critical understanding of the role of digital media technologies in society.
However, I also have experience teaching modules across the field of media and communications, such as:

* Communication History
* Research Methods
* Introduction to Media Research

I have also taught Foundation level modules.

Postgraduate Teaching and Module Leadership

I have convened MA level modules such as Media, Culture and Globalisation and Digital Methods, which taught students to use various digital tools to collect and analyse Twitter (X) posts and design their own research projects.


I have co-taught undergraduate modules, contributing teaching and lesson plans to a number of undergraduate modules on digital media theory.


I have been dissertation supervisor for final year undergraduate students in the Department of Sociological Studies at the University of Sheffield (Oct 2023 – May 2024).

Supervision is an area I would like to develop further, particularly supervision of postgraduate research projects.